Investigating the links
between body image and exercise participation
The study aims to find a
relationship between the scores on the MBSRQ form below and the hours you
spend exercising
The study is designed to
further scientific knowledge and that all procedures have been
approved by the Research
Ethics Committee of Newman University.
By providing my email
address below, I consent to my data being used anonymously for the purpose of
the study,
but understand that I am under no obligation to
participate in this study and can request my data be removed from the
analysis by emailing Boni Amin
Your email address
How many hours per week
do you engage in sport/physical activity?
The following pages
contain a series of statements about how people might think, feel, or
behave. You are asked to
indicate the extent to which each statement pertains to you
Your answers to the items
in the questionnaire are anonymous, so please do not write your
name on any of the
materials. In order to complete the questionnaire, read each statement
carefully and decide how
much it pertains to you personally. Using a scale like the one below,
indicate your answer by
entering it to the left of the number of the statement.
1. Before going out in
public, I always notice how I look.
2. I am careful to buy
clothes that will make me look my best.
3. My body is sexually
4. I constantly worry
about being or becoming fat.
5. I like my looks just
the way they are.
6. I check my appearance
in a mirror whenever I can.
7. Before going out, I
usually spend a lot of time getting ready.
8. I am very conscious of
even small changes in my weight.
9. Most people would
consider me good-looking.
10. It is important that
I always look good.
11. I use very few
grooming products.
12. I like the way I look
without my clothes on.
13. I am self-conscious
if my grooming isn't right.
14. I usually wear
whatever is handy without caring how it looks.
15. I like the way my
clothes fit me.
16. I don't care what
people think about my appearance.
17. I take special care
with my hair grooming.
18. I dislike my
19. I am physically
20. I never think about my appearance.
21. I am always trying to improve my
physical appearance.
22. I am on a weight-loss diet.
23. I have tried to lose weight by fasting
or going on crash diets.
24. I think I am:
25. From looking at me,
most other people would think I am:
26. Face (facial
features, complexion)
27. Hair (color,
thickness, texture)
28. Lower torso
(buttocks, hips, thighs, legs)
29. Mid torso (waist,
30. Upper torso (chest or
breasts, shoulders, arms)
31. Muscle tone
32. Weight
33. Height
34. Overall appearance
When you have answered
all the questions press the green submit button